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Maricruz here! Welcome to my little corner of the web where I share my creative side. I’m based in central Houston, where I freeze moments in time for families. I believe every moment is a beautiful memory that deserves to be captured.




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How our summer started… Candid Family Photography Houston

Summer in Mexico

The school year has officially started and all we have left are summer memories. I always plan to carry my dslr around with me to capture just about everything and more during our travels and it turns in to a huge failure. Not because I forgot, but because I chose not to. At the end of the day I always choose to live that actual moment instead of freezing it. Yes, it is great to have those memories, but hey if you didn’t capture everything from your trip, it is OKAY. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco was our destination this summer. As you can see below, I didn’t take many photos. I did have my husband carry my big, heavy, yellow bag around every time we headed out the door during the day to only be open twice during our whole stay. I felt bad at the end of the day, but I know I would have regretted not taking it.

Jalisco has my heart and we are returning soon. I didn’t wake up and head to the beach like I did in Hawaii for a beautiful morning sunrise. Puerto Vallarta gave me gorgeous sunsets instead.

The beach gives me life

I never expected PV to have so many different beaches and private beaches. Everyday we explored a different beach and we also had the opportunity to travel to Sayulita, Nayarit and witnessed the most gorgeous small town and it’s beautiful people. The culture and food were fantastic. I fell in love with everything and I immediately asked my husband if we could please move there. I’m not lying when I say, “I am ready for a more simple life.” Living in a big city can make you want less traffic, less cars, less everything.


My eight year old graced me with ten minutes of her fun time. And I was able to get this. I am content with the result.

That last image of her with the yellow swim suit was totally a candid shot, she didn’t even know I had the camera out.


How our summer started... Candid Family Photography Houston


Sunsets make me happy

Along with my dslr my go pro was inside my camera bag. You know that big heavy yellow bag I had my husband carry, Ha! I took it out maybe once at the beach to video my husband parachute in the ocean and it went back in my bag. I think this was our third night in PV and the view from the house we rented was incredible as you can see. And if you follow me on my personal IG you probably saw bts on my stories. Go pro for the win!

How our summer started... Candid Family Photography
How our summer started… Candid Family Photography Houston

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