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Maricruz here! Welcome to my little corner of the web where I share my creative side. I’m based in central Houston, where I freeze moments in time for families. I believe every moment is a beautiful memory that deserves to be captured.




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A little exploring | Cypress TX Child & Family Photographer

The month of August was a very busy month for me.. But with did a little exploring… Planning our trip to Mexico to celebrate our five year anniversary, having several shoots, delivering galleries before i left and the one thing i wasn’t able to do is blog and i really did want to but i didn’t have the time… so this month i’m playing catch up, specially on blogging even tho i have a busy month ahead of me it seems like it never ends and believe me i’m not complaining at all I LOVE, LOVE my job and would not trade it in for anything in this world.. But just so you know I have a few sessions booked this month and i’m trying to squeeze in my promo shoot for the holiday season and this weather is not helping it seems that instead of it getting cooler is getting hotter.. common mother nature hook a girl up 🙂 so keep a look out just in case i fill your news feed with some links 😉

While in Mexico i decided to take Bella to my grandparents ranch, i remember my summers there and how happy i was that the river was steps away from us… I remember that my grandma would cook us arroz con pollo and have these hand made tortillas with her huge molcajete filled with hot sauce, i remember my grandpa working feeding all his animals and i was terrified of the cows, hey hey they looked very mean lol… don’t judge.. my grandpa is 90 years old so you can imagine he worked a lot and he is now retired watching my two uncles work his land. Seven years ago my grandma has an accident, i found her on the floor outside her bedroom and she wasn’t responding at all, my parents quickly rushed her to the closes town which was an hour away and from there she was taken to the city (monterrey) to be treated. I was on spring break so i begged my mom if i could stay with her and my grandma, she said yes, that was the longest and hardest week of my life, doctors said that she had a brain stoke and she was now in a comma, i remember crying and watching my mom and grandpa worried and crying, it was the first time i saw my grandpa crying and to me it meant that she could die and that he couldn’t live with out her.

Days passed and there was no change she was breathing through a machine because she couldn’t breath on her own which made it even harder to see her in that hospital bed, Dr told the whole family grandpa and her seven children that she would not make it, they had to make the decision of unplugging her, Dr said it could be months, years for her to come back from the comma she was in… made it even harder for everyone, i told my mom NO, they can’t do that she is still alive and she could come back any minute now… But the reality was my grandpa was the only one who could decide that and we would have to accept his decision. He said NO i’m not giving up on her she has to come back to me… We prayed and asked God for a miracle, miracle he could only make because Dr didn’t have any more answers for us, and he did my grandma woke up from her comma <3 it was a miracle and we were all very happy and blessed to have her with us again.

I thought everything will be back to normal, the truth was it didn’t my grandma had a sever brain damage so she couldn’t do anything on her own, i believe 2-3 years past and she could do just about anything on her own except she didn’t remember she had an accident or that she was at the hospital, Dr said it’s like she was re born and that she will never gain that memory that she lost. Grandpa stopped going to the ranch all he did was take care of my grandma and for the most part they were in the city, everything had changed and nothing is like it use to be specially the ranch, in 2010 hurricane Alex hit Mexico in Nuevo Leon and the river grew and grew and went across my grandpas ranch they say that it was flooded and there was no way in, I visited them later that year and my cousin took me to see and it just look so sad, animals were gone, no more chickens, pigs, horses, or cows. It felt as if there was no more “La Maquina” that’s the name of his ranch. I never went back till last week when I was in town, nothing much has changed everything looked the same from 2010, I wanted to believe that my daughter would get to see what I saw when i was little, but she just saw trees and dirt.. we didn’t stay long but we did a little exploring while we were there, then we headed in to town to play with a little rain that lasted about twenty min.

Maricruz Photography | Cypress TX Child & Family Photographer

 Of course I always try to have my phone on me and capture every moment that i can, sense I was on vacation i tried not to overwhelm everyone with my huge camera lol. and my grandma loved taking pictures with us.. 🙂

Maricruz Photography | Cypress TX Photographer

Maricruz Marin is a Cypress TX Family Photographer specializing in on-location, natural light lifestyle and portrait photography for children and families.  She currently resides in Northwest Houston and is servicing the surrounding areas of Houston.

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Cypress TX Child & Family Photographer

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